Everything Briiv

Meet Briiv, the world's most sustainable air purifier. Live healthier, sleep better and breathe easier.

The Briiv Air Filter uses renewable and natural materials to filter the air in your home or office environment to create clean, safe air so you can breathe as nature intended.

Creating healthy, happy environments

Good air quality means better sleep, higher energy levels and improved cognitive function.

Air pollution is linked to an increased risk of respiratory conditions, including asthma and even lung cancer. Briiv works to remove pollutants from your home to help you live, work, and breathe healthier, happier and safer lives.


We're grateful to have been featured and supported by a number of well-known magazines, publications, bloggers, designers.  To name a few: 

Wired, The Telegraph and The Independent


We are extremely honoured that the Briiv Air Filter has been recognised by some of the world’s most foremost design experts, receiving The Red Dot Award 2021 for Product Design. This accolade is a testament to our unique approach to sustainable and eco-friendly innovation, and seals our aesthetic and functional product design.

Red Dot is among the most prestigious design awards in the world. Composed of specially chosen designers, academics and industry masters from around the globe, a jury decides from a shortlist of over 5,000 entries to qualify a select chosen few, to be worthy of bearing their mark of excellence, basing their decisions on criteria of, quality of design, functionality and environmental impact.

The A' Design Award & Competition is the world’s largest, most prestigious and influential design accolade, the highest achievement in design. The A' Design Award Winner Logo symbolises exceptional design excellence in Briiv and puts us alongside cutting edge design in fields of product, graphic, architecture, fashion and interior.

A certified B Corporation, Briiv is committed to prioritising sustainability in all the ways we conduct business to promote an inclusive, equitable, and regenerative economic system for people and the planet.

To date, we've won an Eco Excellence award, a Design iT award, and most recently the 2023 Muse design award. We’ve also been identified as a Solar Impulse efficient solution

Briiv has been recognised as an Efficient Solution by The Solar Impulse Foundation.

This award is given to products, services, and/or processes that combine credible environmental and economic performance, while outperforming the mainstream options.


What causes poor indoor air quality?  

Pollutants don’t just come from traffic and factories. Tiny particulates and harmful gases are released into your home every time you cook, light candles, use cleaning products and even play with your pets. Briiv helps to remove these so you can enjoy life to its fullest.

Plants are amazing, there’s no denying that

We’ve taken nature and given it a boost! Briiv has the same filtration capacity as 3,043 medium size houseplants. As plants are static and don't have any air being pulled through them, they just can't physically remove any of the harmful particulates that are floating around in our home. Briiv’s triple filter and low-energy fan can draw in air and remove the pollutants.

The problem with current filters

The global air filters market size was valued at $14.68 billion in 2022 & is projected to grow from $15.69 billion in 2023 to $25.69 billion by 2030. That’s a whole lot of plastic! Often, air filters need to be changed every 6-12 months.

Infographic image. Background is a darkened aerial shot of a landfill site. Text overlay in white reads 'Standard air filters cannot be recycled. 6,000 tonnes of plastic filters are sent to landfill every year. That's the same as 500 London buses... ...which will take millennia to decompose' The Briiv logo is in the bottom right corner in white.

There is a better way. Briiv is an innovative, natural product designed to be just as effective at cleaning the air you breathe, without the environmental impact. With 78% biodegradable filters and 97% less plastic than a standard HEPA filter, Briiv is more eco-friendly than any other filter currently available.

Briiv is designed to return to the Earth

With compostable filters and a bio-plastic base, we wanted to make an air purifier from renewable materials that doesn’t damage the earth. The natural micro-structures of moss and the patented coconut fibre filter can remove pollutants for twelve months before being composted at home.

Clean air anywhere 

Briiv blends beautifully into your interior and sits perfectly alongside plants or displayed as a centrepiece.  

Feel closer to nature

Inspired by the British countryside, Briiv uses natural colours, textures and materials to connect you with nature. Hidden within Briiv, a wealth of features work hard to keep your air clean.

Briiv Filters... 

A happy hippocampus

Protect your cognitive function with better airflow and fewer toxins. There is growing evidence that air pollutants are having noticeable detrimental effects on brain function, as demonstrated in a study by the Beijing Normal University in 2018; 'The impact of exposure to air pollution on cognitive performance' 

App Connected 

The Briiv app is available for android and iOS devices. The app allows users to remotely control the Briiv unit through the Wifi network with high level hard wired encryption meaning the device is 100% secure.

The app also allows users to schedule Briiv to automate the on and off times, monitor the filter health and order replacement filters.

Alexa integration

Optional integration for Alexa is you want to include Briiv in your smart phone. This means you can use voice commands to control the Briiv from your Alexa device or your phone with the Alexa app. 

The most sustainable filter on the planet

The most sustainable filter on the planet end to end. When you’re done with the filters, two thirds of them can be thrown in the garden or compost to become part of the earth again, and the glass and bio-plastic base can be recycled.

Designed to improve your environment, Briiv is functional and looks great anywhere, bringing natural style to your home or office. 

Filter Stages

Nature with a touch of science gives us everything we need to filter the air we breathe. 

Briiv utilises three separate filters to each perform a unique role to mop up all manner of airborne pollutants.

The first filter is an ethically harvested lichen known as reindeer moss, which has a branching structure that makes it excellent at capturing larger particles like dust and allergens such as pollen and pet dander. This works to remove around 30% of the PM10 range that will be caught in the moss and prevented from flowing back into the air.

The second layer is created from waste coconut husks and natural latex and turned into coconut filter. This filter has a denser structure than the moss and can capture smaller particles, including fine dust and smoke.

Briiv’s third and final filter, The nano-matrix filter is made from spun glass which is pleated to create the matrix. This matrix is what captures harmful particles PM2.5 and removes them from your air. The nano matrix filter also contains activated carbon (from waste walnut shells!) which can remove odours and VOCs from the air. 

The nano matrix captures very fine particles with increased efficiency as the airborne pollutants pass through. 

The filters are designed to sit together in Briiv for optimal cleaning powered by the hidden fan within Briiv.

Briiv efficiency 

Briiv will effectively improve the air quality in a 16m² (169ft²) living space in just one hour. 

How loud is it? 

Briiv is 47.9 decibels at 1 meter away, on its maximum (fastest speed) and is similar to domestic room fans.   

Development and testing

In total we have worked through 37 variations of this design, and the full filter was modelled and tested at every stage using the ISO 29463-5:2011 standard as basis for testing and evaluating with sensitive air monitors.

Smoke test rig

Watch how Briiv clears the air! We created this standard smoke test using an off the shelf cigarette to fully saturate the environment. Briiv is then turned on remotely to clear the air in the tank, and you can see the complete removal of the smoke after one minute.

The graph above shows the reduction in a 1 cubic meter test chamber over 10 minutes, with an initially low volume of fine PM2.5 fine particulate. This is a similar but slightly larger version of the smoke video above.

We also run industry standard tests to ensure Briiv’s efficiency. The direct flow testing method measures the reduction of particulate in one pass of the air through the filter, under two simulated environments with a constant supply of test particulate entering the unit over a set period of time. 

The graphs above show the PM2.5 test results in a real, in-home environment on the left and a simulated stress test, which had very high pollutant levels to begin with, on the right. In these tests, the unit achieved an 80% filtration efficiency after a single pass.

Both results show the decrease is faster when the concentration of harmful particles is higher, so a heavily polluted room can be brought back to a safe level fast.

The full test report can be viewed here

Tested externally to EN1822-5:2009 with a pass, and efficiency of 88% of PM2.5 and below in laboratory conditions. 

The full external test reports can be seen here


Sustainable replacements

The filters are designed to last as long as possible while remaining as efficient as possible. The moss and coconut filters can last for up to 12 months, while the nano matrix needs to be replaced every 3 months. We know sustainability is about more than just the environment, which is why Briiv has one of the cheapest filter replacement options within the air purifier market.

Replacing the nanomatrix filter

1) Lift off the glass lid, without removing the moss or coconut layers. These are specially designed to sit within the housing when you remove the top, so you don't need to fiddle with getting the filters out.

2) Open up the cardboard housing with the existing filter and dispose of the old filter while retaining the housing.

3) Take out your new matrix filter and place into the cardboard housing, accordioning out the pleats evenly and secure the lid, with the flaps on the inside of the box and the outsides of the new filter.

4) Pop back on the glass lid, and you're done. Simple!

Low power  

Costs correct as of 2023.  

Briiv has been designed to pack a punch in the most efficient way. The bonus you get for helping the environment is one of the most effective money-saving air filters around.

Rethinking plastic

Instead of opting for traditional oil-based plastics, Briiv uses a new bio-plastic derived from rice husks which is a waste by product from agricultural crops. This crop captures carbon in the process and locks it into the product.

We use less plastics than any other filter on the market, switching them for materials that biodegrade or can be recycled infinitely, such as glass.

Using a biodegradable material is the best option for our environment.

Utilising plant based fibres such as hemp and coconut mean Briiv easily returns to nature at the end of its life, keeping things circular and protecting the environment for generations to come.

Every component of Briiv has been meticulously considered. Parts that are not biodegradable, such as the glass, can be easily recycled. This leaves only the electrical components and the nano matrix filter. We hope to be able to replace these in the future with more sustainable alternatives when technology allows us to do so in a safe way.

Conventional air purifiers use approximately 1.5kg of single use plastic filters per year, while Briiv uses 97% less at just 0.04 grams.


Commitment to circular design

Having spent many years in the design industry, we have seen hundreds of products marketed as "sustainable" that in reality, usually due to economic decisions, fall very short of the promises they claim. 

We were fed up with sustainability being treated as an afterthought in design, so our commitment is to the circular design process. Simply put, this is where products are designed with the end of the product's life in mind. This approach removes a lot of conventional material options but we decided early on that being recyclable was not good enough when it comes to plastics, as most can only be recycled a few times.  

We prioritise biodegradability and the use of materials from natural sources above all else. This means some parts of Briiv cost us more to produce and the design process has been more complex, but also ensures we make products that do not harm the environment. 

 Support us and help save the planet

By investing in Briiv, you're investing in a company that's passionate about sustainable design. Beyond Briiv, we have other ideas that we're truly passionate about developing and our goal is to change the status quo of single-use products.

By supporting us, you're helping change the world we live in for the better, for us and for future generations.